Tuesday, May 12, 2009

This morning, I joined the SPEC google group, and had a quick skim of their upcoming events. Very exciting:)

One of the things I'm noticing with community gardens in Van. is that they almost all use google groups to organize their members. I think this is excellent- but I also think that they need a more visible online presence. The SPEC is a great example of having a strong web presence. Their website comes up when you search for their acronym, and it displays recent news and makes it easy to sign up for their newsletter. I'm not entirely satisfied with the design of the site- I think that it could be a bit easier to navigate and more ergonomic. (Less block-text, more space etc.)

Here's an updated project list, btw:

-logo (I've been playing email tag with David, trying to line up a meeting with him so we can discuss the ideas I've come up with so far.)
-blog (up and running- I've been asking for link exchanges on their behalf)
-facebook group (up and running- I have been doing some promo amongst other groups on fb)

>Cambie and 10th Garden
-signage (got an email from vicky for contents, just waiting on any images or other visuals she wants to send along)
-artwork/ garden elements (I'm still not sure if this will be a project for me this month. I see them being able to enjoy functional elements- vicky mentioned the idea of mosaic stepping stones. This isn't really my area of expertise, so it would require more research. I'll keep it in mind and see if I come up with anything.
>Ian and Carole: I'm still trying to get ahold of these two to set up a time- Carole has asked me to give her a call tomorrow.

-I have emailed Ayla about my chicken orientation, which will be happening this Thursday at 10:30. My friend scott is also coming out to join us.
-We have also discussed my doing some design work for them. I've already done some work on their cards, but Ayla and I need to sit down and chat about that. They also might have some promotional items I can help them redesign. We'll discuss on Thursday.

I met with Samantha last week to discuss work, and I'll be going in today to work on their website.
They also need signs for their Youth Garden and the Means of Production Garden, and they are looking to do link exchanges with other sites. It may be worthwhile to just collect the groups that are looking to do a link exchange, then send out a big list to all of them at the end of the month.
I'll talk to Sam about all of these things today.

Other projects that I could develop:
-tech workshops for community garden groups (no development here yet)
-water collection project (chatting with a couple groups about this potential proect)
-more reading/ research of wikinomics (continuing to read in my free time)
-meeting with parks board people to mediate: The parks board website has a small resource on community gardens here. I've given them a call, and it sounds like they're quite busy down there. I left a message with megan, and she's told me that she'll find someone I can talk to and get them to give me a call. Fingers crossed:)
-working with the Vancouver fruit tree project: I sent an email asking if they're up to anything this may- more likely setting up for this year than picking. I also noticed that their website could use an update, I'll ask them about this.
-guerrilla gardening projects-> I've started a small rooftop sprouting setup at home, which I'm planning to plant in the community at the end of the month. So far, I have a couple sunflowers popping up out of the soil:)

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