Thursday, May 14, 2009

I had a wonderful time this morning at the UBC farm, getting oriented with the chickens. I'll be taking care of them for the remaining 2 Thursday mornings this month- and I'm thrilled. It's very pleasant work, and educational of where our food comes from in a way that's unique to me.

Besides the 3 hours or so I spent at UBC farm, as well as getting to and from, I spent lots of time today with my email, as always. I chatted with people about projects we're working on, in a very general sense. I'm enjoying my back and forth with Amanda from SPEC, as we discuss color palettes and fonts for their template set.

I also dedicated some time today to tutorials, hooray! The tutorials I'm working with have given me excellent insight into proper workflow in the past, and I'd like to start with a strong foundation of that as I progress.

I'm also currently sketching some posters for SPEC workshops. I'd like to get the first one done by Wednesday of next week, so I'm starting on it today. I have 4 of them to complete. (Though the first one will be the most difficult- we'll keep consistent grids, palettes and fonts for them all. )

Back to work!


  1. Lynda tutorials?
    I found the website, and it looks interesting. Do you have a subscription or somesuch? Or are there free ones?

  2. No free ones I know of
    I have a disc of some from time at headplay that i've yet to finish completely
    i think you can also torrent them evilly sometimes.
