Thursday, May 21, 2009

7am to 7pm= 12 hours, oh my

Today just flew by (as my thursdays tend to) with the chickens in the AM, with emails to send and respond to and lots of html tutorials to do. I fiddled a bit more with the poster designs and scheduled a meeting with Amanda for Monday. I also emailed her for the version of the SPEC logo they're currently using, so it can be vectorized. I'll send the EYA their vectorized logo tomorrow morning, once I add the text.

I also emailed Emily of VPSN about an idea ben and I had this morning, amongst the chickens. I've learned recently that while the city of Vancouver intends to legalize chickens, they recently had to lay off the woman who worked there with the most interest in the project. I'm worried about that intent getting waylaid, so I would like to do something to show support for the movement.

We were also talking about the difficulties of owning chickens in the city- namely, for apartment dwellers, that pesky yard issue. This, we conjectured, could be solved if community gardens had a community chicken coop.

I would love to put together a proposal to the city, in conjuncion with a group like SPEC or city farmer, for the creation of a trial run chicken coop in a community garden in Vancouver. This would not only set a precedent for chickens in community gardens, but it would allow people here to see that they're really not all that scary, smelly or loud (as some seem to think.)

I'm also putting together a few video instructables for community garden non-techhy types. The set will have a how to set up a facebook group, how to set up a blog, and how to get your page to show up on a google search.

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